PH DAY2 is a portable system for recording the gastroesophageal pH values by means of 2 channels

Light, small and powerful allows recording as long as 24 hours and more.

The pH-day 2 consists of the pH-day2 recorder and the PH/HS software. It is a small and light unit with 2 channels. It is provided with selectable sampling rate from 1 sample per second to 1 sample every 6 seconds. The acquired data are stored into an internal memory of 256 Kbytes that ensures long duration storage. The unit houses a position sensor for automatic recording of the patient’s postural changes (lying down, sitting, stand up). Two LEDs allow the reading of the pH values on-line just pushing the proper button. This way the doctors can always check how the recording is going on especially when an external reference electrode is used. Three buttons are available for the patient who can mark symptoms like pain, burning etc during the recording. These markers combined with data collected by patient on his/her diary are a powerful tool for the afterward evaluations of reflux events.

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